Frequently Asked Questions

Contact us if you need our Canadian or US tax letters, checklists or questionnaires

Canadian Tax

  • Personal Canadian Taxes are due April 30th each year. For most this is also the filing deadline. File by April 30th or June 15th with business income to avoid late filing penalties. Interest will start accruing on May 1st for unpaid taxes, regardless of your filing deadline.

  • The turnaround time will vary but we generally need at least two weeks to process the information. If you do not have all the documents at the beginning of April, you should provide all other documents with a note that clearly states what is missing.

    1. Paper documents should be in an envelope and can be mailed to us (keeping in mind timing) or dropped off in person at 2440 Bevan Ave, Sidney, BC, V8L 5C5. If you wish to drop off documents outside of office hours (Mon-Fri, 9 to 4), you can use our Secure Mail Slot in our front door (please put in an envelope).

    2. Electronic files can be sent to us securely via our Portal. If you already have a Portal ID with us, you can log in using this link: Login to your Portal. If you don’t have one, contact us and we will send you an Invite to sign up. Please note you can upload into the folder “For Preparer”. Please ensure these are in PDF format and legible.

    1. If you need to make tax installments, the amounts and due dates will be listed in your Client Letter, near the front of your tax return package. They will usually be quarterly payments, due March 15th, June 15th, September 15th, and December 15th. You can also view your tax account status on the CRA’s MyAccount website for individuals.

    2. Installments are estimates, based on your previous year’s income. If your income (from all sources) is significantly higher or lower this year, you may need to pay larger or smaller installments. Note as of January 2024, installment interest is at 10% so you should make these to avoid non-deductible installment interest/penalties.

  • The best way is to check through your CRA My Account. Keep in mind, there may be a few days delay before the payment appears, depending on bank rules and CRA processing time. Note that payments over $10,000 will need to be made as an electronic payment either at the bank or online. Note that we will also be able to see this through Representing a Client.

  • AuthRep is short for CRA Representative Authorization Form and it allows us to talk to the CRA and make changes on your behalf. Without Authorization, we are unable to find the information required to complete your tax return and answer any of the questions you might have.

  • The CRA occasionally reviews randomly chosen tax returns, and requests confirmation of certain pieces of information. We can assist with the response if you would like us to. There is a nominal fee, as this service is outside of regular tax preparation. These reviews are standard and are often for larger medicals, donations, other deductions and foreign tax credits.

US Tax

    1. If you owe taxes, they are due on April 15th (even if your tax return is due later).

    2. If you are living outside the US on April 15th, you are automatically granted a two month extension to June 15th (or next business day).

    3. An extension can be filed to October 15th and this must be filed by the due date. Regardless, these extensions only apply to late-filing penalties and interest still accrues from April 16th. We file this extension for our current clients.

    1. If you think you may owe taxes in the US, the best time to provide us with your information is between March 1st and April 5th.

    2. We will prepare your return based on the timing and if you have US sourced income. We may not require your information until after the end of April but prefer to file the majority by June 15th.

  • To avoid interest, if you generally owe or have a change in circumstances, an estimated payment may be necessary by April 15th. Please discuss with us your situation and you will receive information with your tax package.